So we arrived in Ireland and spent the first hour, at least, stuck in Dublin traffic, trying to get out of the port and city to get on our way the Athy (Pronounced A th eye), which is where Brian and Kathleen live.

Brian (pronounced Bryan) was with us, happily dozing off in the back seat of the car!

Once we broke the Dublin traffic and go onto the outskirts of the city getting down to Athy was quick quick. Though we did not actually arrive until nearly 8pm.

Kathleen had laid on dinner for us, which was nice. Honey roast ham, which was nice, with some ham left over for ham and eggs for breakfast on another day!

Kathleen is intending to start a Schauzer breeding business and we got met by a “Pack” of crazy Schnauzers!  6 dogs in total.  Pippa, Kasper, Stella, Holly, Bailey (a pup that is going to be the ‘master’ breeder!) and Cherri (I think this is how you spell it).

Here is one of the dogs:

This is Kasper who has this habit of “sleeping” on his back all the time!

These are some of the other dogs – image is a bit rubbish.  Bailey, Pippa (with cone on) and Holly (I think):

For Saturday and Sunday we pretty much just chilled out at their house, chatting and pottering about – Marian House, Foxhill:

We gave them this plaque for a house warming present…..
